Friday, July 15, 2011

Harry Potter Coming to an End...

The end of an era...

My Harry Potter story starts like this:

I'm not a pure blooded fanatic, but I do have to say I am a fan. I used to watch the Harry Potter movies with my dad when the first came out. However, due to my young age I could never really get into them. I feel like it was a combination of the bloody/Erie/confusing - ness of everything plus the strange words and things that happened that were unexplainable added to my dislike of the movie. Eventually at around the release of the 5th movie, I just stopped watching them. It was too much to understand especially not having read the books at all. A couple years later, one of my friends (i found out) was a Harry Potter fan. (one of the obsessed ones). LOL
She made me watch all of them again and try and give them a chance. I did and loved them. I couldn't wait to watch the next one. So, I made a goal to myself that I would watch all of them until I got caught up in order to see the one that just came out! Obviously I did :) haha
I went last night to the midnight showing and it was amazing! The fight scenes were intense, the courage was astonishing and the characters were so epic. I loved the ending and it was truly a great end to the series!

If you haven't seen it, GO. haha no really GO and see it! It's something you have to do if this has been a part of your childhood ...

With Harry Potter greatness lol
Kara Jae 

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